Welcome Ceremony
Learning Teaching Activities
Outdoor Activities
Teaching Materials
On some classes in this mobility to Finland, we presented our school using a digital film created by our students with our help.
According to the topic defined on the project, the Portuguese team planned this mobility focusing on Teaching and Technology for European Teachers. Therefore, we created all the activities using technology or using a new math teaching approach to develop more meaningful sharing ideas through Europe. We taught them multiplication using concrete material and also an interactive presentation with a digital game.
Our team created six material groups to share with the partners. Each partner will have the opportunity to reproduce our lesson in their own country, using our material and our lesson plan. The fabric board created to the Math lesson was given to the Finnish partner and to Tina's class.
Our students prepared a country presentation using a new app Story Jumper. On this app, they searched for the information, created the text, translated it and recorded their voices on the online book.
For sharing ideas and in order to start our student's improvement in language skills, we started an online meeting using the app meet.jitsi.si. The connection between these two classes was fantastic and they will continue to have these meetings in the future.
Dacă vesel se trăiește !
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bate așa
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bate așa
Dacă vesel se trăiește, unul altuia zâmbește
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bate așa.
Dacă vesel se trăiește, fă așa
Dacă vesel se trăiește, fă așa
Dacă vesel se trăiește, unul altuia zâmbește
Dacă vesel se trăiește, fă așa.
Dacă vesel se trăiește, calcă așa
Dacă vesel se trăiește, calcă așa
Dacă vesel se trăiește, unul altuia zâmbește
Dacă vesel se trăiește, calcă așa.
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bine e
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bine e
Dacă vesel se trăiește, unul altuia zâmbește
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bine e .
Dacă vesel se trăiește, unul altuia zâmbește
Dacă vesel se trăiește, bine e !
Bine e !